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*    Click here for Latest News *    The Vth Annual General Body Meeting held on 28th August Sunday. *    Latest Circular and Monthly report of March published *    Teachers day will be celebrated on 5th September 2012

Principal's Desk


It is the endeavour of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan that the students not only respect their own culture, religion, heritage, tradition and faith but also the culture, religion, heritage, tradition and faith of others too. The endeavour should be to create an ethos of unity and oneness among all the students and teachers leading to peace and harmony. It is through our schools that we can foster good values among the students.

The vision of any educational institution should be to develop a child into a responsible individual. The Institution should spread cultural message and ethical values among students, make them aware of their responsibilities towards nature, country, Society, family and towards oneself. It should help them know that happiness is the result of good conduct and good character is the tool or base of happiness. Let them understand that education is not what they get of just learning and reproducing what is in the text book.

Children should be allowed to grow and in this process, they should be nurtured as one would a little plant. Giving it all the nourishment needed for healthy growth, thus helping it to bloom into a beautiful flower to spread beauty, happiness and gentle odour all around it. A child should be handled as one would a very delicate object, the hold should be firm yet gentle so as not to destroy it.

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Perumthiruthi has and well always work together towards creating beautiful tomorrows for our children and they in turn will make the world more meaningful.

‘Let noble thoughts come to us from every side’

Jai hind.

All rights reserved PTA Bhavans, Eranhikkal 2013